Fury DVDRip Xvid-Kyon (RMVB)(2008)

File Size :498.68Mb
File Hosting :Adrive
Release Date: 9th October 2008
Language: Thai
Subtitle: English
Running Time: 93 mins
Rating: 18SG
Genre: Action
Amara Siripong
Yanin Vismistananda
Lim Su Jeong
Hiroshi Abe
Tapol Pobwandee
Pongpat Wachirabanjong
Prachya Pinkaew
Jeff Lowell
Movie Plot:
From director Prachya Pinkaew who brought us the surprising
international hits "Ong Bak" and "Tom Yum Goong", "Fury" is about Zen,
an autistic teenage girl who is gifted with a photographic memory that
allows her to memorise martial arts moves that she sees and observes.
She quickly learns Thai kick-boxing simply by observing the boxers near
her apartment train. Her 'talent' came to the attention of a Thai mob boss
who wants to utilise her to do his dirty work. But Zen has a personal score
to settle with him first.
Release Note:
This release is a DVD-Rip and has been ripped by me.
This release also have a English Hardsub and best
viewed with GOM player with Fullscreen Stretched.
Labels: Movie